
How/when will I declare a major and/or minor?

大多数本科学生在正规澳门赌场网络开课时都有一个申报的专业. 在正规澳门赌场网络期间,你的专业可能会改变,有时甚至会改变好几次. Additionally, minors may be added or removed during that time. UNE policy states that for undergraduates, before March 15 of the second year, 你需要使用适当的表格来正式声明你的专业 登记 Services. If you are declaring a major in marine biology, 医学生物学和基础教育你被要求在第一学年结束前申报. 此声明必须由导师和主修系主任/主任签署. 申报的专业必须是现有的、经批准的学术课程. 看到 undergraduate catalog for existing programs of study.



How do I change my major?

You may change a major (or minor) by completing a Change of Major or Declaration of Minor forms after consultation with the relevant departments. 在正规澳门赌场网络最后一个学期正式结束后,您不得申报新的专业或辅修专业.

What are the academic requirements for my degree?

适用于您的学术要求是您在正规澳门赌场网络开始时生效的要求, and were published in the Academic Catalog at that time. Please note that if you changed or added a major/minor, 您必须遵守更改学年的目录要求.


如果你对学术要求有疑问,你应该联系你的学术顾问或注册主任办公室,电话:(207)602-2473或 degreeaudit@apoios.net.


No. Even if a course has two distribution designations, it will fulfill only one distribution requirement. When you complete a course with two distribution designations, 符合课程要求的第一所学校将满足这些要求. 例如, if you take a course with an SGA and EXP designations, 如果SGA要求列在学位评估的首位,那么该课程将满足SGA要求. If you subsequently complete another course with an SGA attribute, 第二门课程将达到SGA学位要求,第一门课程将达到EXP学位要求.

There are some exceptions to this rule. 你需要就此咨询你所在的部门.

What are the requirements of my major?

每个部门或项目都规定了其专业和未成年人的要求, and determines when those requirements have been met. 主要和次要的要求在每个部门和项目下描述 Academic Catalog. 如果你对主修课程和辅修课程有疑问, consult with the particular department(s).

How is progress towards earning my degree tracked?

You are responsible for tracking your own degree progress at UNE. 建议你在每学期开始时回顾一下你的学位要求的进展情况. UOnTrack学位审核工具可供您和顾问随时通过一个指南针运行.


What are the University’s academic standards and regulations?

UNE details its academic standards and regulations in its Academic Catalog. 

What are UNE’s approved majors and minors?

All approved majors and minors are listed in UNE’s academic catalogs.

How would I propose a personal major?

如果你感兴趣的专业不符合系里专业的模式,你可以考虑选择一个个人专业. 你必须向你所在学院的学术院长提交个人专业建议. 提案必须具体说明通过个人专业计划要实现的目标,并解释为什么这些目标不能通过标准专业选择来满足,并包括将遵循的拟议课程大纲.


如果你有多个专业或辅修,有些课程可能会满足多个要求. 每个部门或项目都规定了其专业和未成年人的要求, and determines when those requirements have been met. 如果你对主修课程和辅修课程有疑问, or if courses may count for more than one major or minor, 您应该咨询特定的部门或联系注册主任办公室,电话:(207)602-2473或 degreeaudit@apoios.net.


You are responsible for tracking your own degree progress at UNE. 在你最后一个学期的课程注册完成并申请毕业后,注册办公室会审查学位进展情况. 你不应该等到最后一分钟才和学术顾问一起回顾你的学位进展,因为可能需要额外的课程. 你通常会在最后一个学期中期收到书面通知,通知你已经获得初步毕业许可. 在收到最后学期的最终成绩并完成所有学术工作后,将确定最终许可.


You may take part in only one commencement, 在参加毕业练习之前,你通常需要完成所有学位要求. 如果你还有两门或更少的课程,并且可以在下一学年结束时完成所有要求, 你可能被允许参加毕业典礼,但不会获得毕业证书. 在这种情况下, 学位实际上将在完成所有要求后的下一个合格毕业日期授予, and the diploma will be mailed to you at that time.